Here is a quick list of possible tax deductions for 2010:
Medical and Dental Expenses:
Surgery ……………………………….……….. $___________
Prescriptions…………………………………… $___________
Medical/Dental insurance………….……… $___________
Hospital and emergency …………….….… $___________
Dental and Orthodontist …….……….….… $___________
Glasses & contacts …………………………. $___________
Hearing aids & batteries………..………….. $___________
Therapy treatments …………..……….….… $___________
Medical miles/Transportation:
#Miles x .165 = $___________
Other purchases on doctor’s advice…….. $___________
Employee Business Expenses: You Spouse
Uniform Cleaning…………………….……….. $___________ $___________
Work Tools……………………………….……… $___________ $___________
Union Dues……………………………………… $___________ $___________
Safety shoes & gloves………….……..……… $___________ $___________
Tax return preparation………….…….……… $___________ $___________
Investment expenses…………….…….…….. $___________ $___________
Teacher/School Supplies……….…………… $___________ $___________
Cell Phone…………….……………………….. $___________ $___________
Employment/Job seeking expenses……… $___________ $___________
Sales/Entertainment…………..……………… $___________ $___________
Office-in-home expense……………………. $___________ $___________
Business Travel…………………..…….………. $___________ $___________
Vehicle use miles………… # Miles x .50 = $___________ $___________
Work miles (non-commute) # __________ # __________
Miles driven to second job # __________ # __________
Other work Expenses……..……………. $___________ $___________
Education and Child Care Expenses: You Spouse
Student Loan Interest………………………… $___________ $___________
Post-secondary, tuition & fees……………… $___________ $___________
Books, Class fees and supplies…………….. $___________ $___________
Child Care Provider expenses…………….. $___________
Provider Name: __________________________________________________
Provider’s SSN: ______-_____-_________ or EIN # _____-________________
Address: __________________________________________________________
Charitable Contributions:
Church………………………………………..… $___________
United Way……………………………..……… $___________
Other…………………………………..………… $___________
Furniture or clothing (IRS requires receipt)..$___________
Donated to: _____________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________
Volunteer expenses………………………… $___________
(Church, School, Scouts, etc.)
Volunteer miles driven…..# Miles x .14 = …. $___________
Mortgage Information:
Home mortgage interest……………………. $___________
Mortgage Lender: _______________________________________________
Points paid at closing or refinance..………. $___________
Mortgage Insurance payments…….……… $___________
Second mortgage interest ………………… $___________
Real estate tax………………………………… $___________
State Income Tax……………………………… $___________
2009 State Tax refund………………………… $___________
Self-Employed Business Expenses:
Advertising and Marketing ………………… $ ___________
Car & Trucking expenses……………………..$ ___________
Legal & Professional services…………………$___________
Office expenses…………………….…………. $___________
Rent or lease…………………………..……….. $___________
Utilities ……………………………………… ….. $___________
Repairs & Maintenance…………..…………. $___________
Supplies……………………………….…………. $___________
Taxes & Licenses………………..….………….. $___________
Meals……………………………….……………. $___________
Travel…………………………….………………. $___________
Other Expenses …..……….…..……………… $___________
Name of Business_____________________________________
Energy Efficient improvements ………….… $___________
Tax Preparation Fees……………..……….….. $___________
Alimony Paid/Received……….………….…. $___________
Moving Expenses…………….…………….….. $___________
Adoption Expenses……… (Up to $13,170) $___________
Accident, fire, theft, or natural disasters…. $___________
**First time homebuyer Credit—If closed on your home BY OR BEFORE October 1, 2010, Please supply a copy of the signed HUDS or Settlement Statements to receive the credit.