
New Options Available for those Affected by Recent Disasters

New Options Available for those Affected by Recent Disasters

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New Options Available for
those Affected by Recent Disasters

If you’re still awestruck by the devastation caused by Hurricane
Irene, Tropical Storm Lee and the scorching Texas wildfires, the
IRS is lending a hand in terms of filing deadlines. Along with the
relief provided in September on Irene, Lee (in New York or Pennsylvania) and the fires, the IRS is extending certain tax filing
and payment obligations until October 31st. This means,
1040.com will be able to help you
process and file your 2010 returns for a near 2 additional

From the IRS:

E-file, which will close for all other
taxpayers following the Oct. 17 extension filing deadline, will be
open through the end of October to any taxpayer who
lives or has a business in areas granted tax relief because
of Hurricane Irene, Tropical Storm Irene, the Texas
wildfires or Tropical Storm Lee in New
York and Pennsylvania.

Special Instructions for e-Filers

The IRS encouraged any taxpayer who wants to include a
payment with the tax return to e-File by Oct. 20.


Because of year-end programming changes, IRS e-File will not
accept returns that include payments after Oct 20. E-file returns
that include a payment after that date will be rejected, but the
IRS offers other options for these taxpayers to still e-file but
pay separately by using:


1040.com also offers a credit card and/or debit card option: www.1040paytax.com – quickly and securely pay
your balance due to the IRS via all the nationally accepted card

Good luck to those affected; we hope this relieves the stress a

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