
About Us

We strive to help businesses and individuals get ahead financially by taking control of their money, instead of being a slave to it.

We know that there are a lot of options out there in today’s marketplace for businesses to turn to and we also recognizes that the majority of the solutions don’t really fit inside the budget of the small business owner (especially one that is just starting up). We provide accounting and bookkeeping services at an affordable price, allowing you to spend your hard earned money in other places to help your business thrive whether your starting out or well established! 

We are interested in improving the financial position of companies and individuals around the United States.  By increasing your financial intelligence, and by utilizing effective, financial tools and resources, we believe each individual and business can thrive in any economy!

Your Personal Accountant has been providing custom tailored accounting and bookkeeping services for companies & financial resources to individuals all over the United States since 2006. Our primary headquarters are in Levan, Utah.  

"When performance is measured, 

Performance Improves.

When performance is measured & reported,

The rate of improvement accelerates!"

Background and History

How we got our start...

In 2005, Chris had just finished getting his bachelor's degree in accounting while working for 3 years as a controller for a local home builder.  During those years Chris recognized that there were many subcontractors who struggled managing their own finances which caused lots of headaches for them and their crews, as well as for the home builder.  He recognized that there was an opportunity there to help more business owners with his skill set.

So, in 2006, when the home builder made the decision to move operations to California, Chris and his wife made the decision to start Your Personal Accountant and become part of the solution to help struggling business owners by offering affordable bookkeeping and accounting solutions that enabled them to make better decisions.  Since then, Your Personal Accountant has served 100's of clients.



Our Mission

You, our client are the most important part of our business.
You are not dependent on us. We are dependent on you.
You are not an interruption to our work.
You are the purpose of it.
You are not an outsider to our business. You are a part of it.
We are not doing you a favor by serving you.
You are doing us a favor by giving us an opportunity to do so.
You are our partner in business.

Our Culture

Culture is something very hard to define because it is a combination of so many things. Culture is something we LIVE not teach. You cannot teach someone you care about them or that you have integrity. These types of characteristics can only be displayed by your actions. Culture is never perfected it is only improved.

We believe that happy employees making the proper decisions make happy customers. Culture, standards, and training are the key elements needed to empower employees to make those critical decisions. Listed below are a few simple concepts that have helped us with culture. One is no more crucial than the other:

  • Be Nice-The Golden Rule
  • Care Beyond Yourself—Commitment
  • Do What is Right-Honesty
  • Listen to Others Carefully-Influence
  • Admit When You Are Wrong-Accountability
  • Learn From Your Mistakes-Humility
  • Strive to Improve-Do Your Best
  • Always be Positive—Law of Attraction
  • Never Make an Emotional Decision—Clear Thinking
  • Be Sincere-Presence

All of the characteristics above are what lead to having integrity. Integrity is the driving force to an incorruptible culture.

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Contact Us





9 AM - 5 PM MST

Monday - Friday



PO Box 127

Levan, UT 84639, USA


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Copyright © Your Personal Accountant, Inc