The Best Utah County Has to Offer!
Jennifer L. Card, E.A.
Tax Accountant
Member, NAEA and UTSEA
We are so happy to be working with Jennifer Card. Jennifer Card has become one of the most sought-after tax accountants in Utah, with large numbers of happy clients to prove it. She has Baccalaureate degrees in both Business Management and Accounting (Suma Cum Laude), and has eighteen years of experience in tax accounting and management for small business, as well as success in behalf of personal income tax clients, in planning, preparation and filing, controversy resolution and penalty abatement. (She is authorized by her E.A. status to negotiate in behalf of her clients before the IRS.) She is also experienced in payroll tax issues, and in bookkeeping. Add to that her good communication skills, pleasant environment, and track record of expediting client matters, and it’s clear why she is so much in demand.
Get Professional Service For Your Personal &/Or Business Tax Returns and Planning TODAY!
Jennifer L. Card, E.A.
Card & Company Financial LLC
Ph 801.473.1500
Fax 801.868.3000
“Peace of mind with your Taxes.”
Call Jennifer and set up your FREE CONSULTATION…already had your tax returns prepared? No problem! Jennifer will review them, at no cost to you, to see if you missed out on any deductions…We highly recommend doing this. You will be surprised at what she can legitimately find for you (and the errors that she can fix).