As we explore the massive volumes that exist on the importance of wealth in our lives, we can find that some of what we read is motivational and inspiring, like the specific decisions that some people make that help them acquire significant wealth and decide to use it to do much good in the world. While on the other hand, there are massive amounts of literature telling us of families left behind, friendships broken, and giving up all for the sake of wealth. The falsehood that wealth will bring happiness is a destructive belief that many of us fall victim to believing. A question I would pose to you is ‘How important is wealth?’
Perspective is critical to understanding Personal Finance.
Why is perspective important? Well, the way we look at things makes a big difference in the choices that we make. Our outlook impacts our choices. For example, if you have the perspective that money buys happiness, then wouldn’t you do all you could to obtain more money so that you could then obtain more happiness? Maybe this perspective has popped up in your life a time or two. It is okay to admit it. Most of us, if not all, have looked around and have considered this perspective valid and correct. With the media trying to sell whatever it is trying to sell at the moment (being rich, beautiful, thin, sexy, etc…) and saying that it is needed in order to be happy, it is not a surprise that so many people have this perspective on wealth. If you need more advice on personal finance and how to improve it then visit to read more.
What kind of perspective do you have on wealth? As you ponder this question I want to share with you another perspective that rings true for me. Are you familiar with Zig Ziglar? Well, he is one of those people that speaks about wealth and the things he says are motivational and inspiring. Zig has mentors that he speaks with that help him get his material. One of those mentor’s name is Richie Dayo Johnson. Zig asked him to explain what money can and cannot buy. His response is spot on!
“Money can buy you a house, but it can’t buy you a home. Money can buy you insurance, but it can’t buy you security. Money can buy you entertainment, but it can’t buy you happiness. Money can buy you medicine, but it can’t buy you good health. Money can buy you a bed, but it can’t buy you sleep. Money can buy you companionship, but it can’t buy you friendship. Money can buy you sex, but it can’t buy you love. Money is called currency, because it is designed to flow through you. Money doesn’t change you; it only reveals who you truly are.” (Richie Dayo Johnson)
Wealth doesn’t change who you are; it only reveals you to yourself. If you are a happy person, wealth will magnify your happiness. If you are a miserable and unhappy person, wealth will only magnify your misery and unhappiness. How many times do we hear of people winning the lottery and blowing their winnings to find themselves back where they were before getting their lucky number pulled, or in most cases, in a worse position. Wealth is neither good nor bad. It is neutral. What makes wealth either a blessing or a curse is how we prioritize what we do with that wealth. It depends on our perspective!