Are you interested in finding a better way to control your spending, pay down your debt faster, and/or manage your finances? By now you probably realize that in today’s world being financially savvy and fiscally responsible are becoming increasingly important (especially in a down economy). At Your Personal Accountant, Inc. we are committed to making it easy for you to take back control of your financial circumstances and we aim to help you thrive by utilizing effective tools and creating better habits when it comes to money matters.
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Where do you begin?
A good place to start, is to put together the complete financial picture of your past. What have you been doing with your finances? What has worked for you? What has not? Where would you like to be today? Why aren’t you there? We know, some of you probably avoid reconciling the broken financial pieces from the past, but if you don’t know where you have been, how can you get to where you want to be?
“It is impossible to manage or control anything that you do not, or cannot, properly and accurately measure.” First law of personal finance
Now, there is no “magic” word, potion, tool, or chant that can automatically put your finances on autopilot towards perfect success. In fact, a person who is good with their finances looks at them regularly, knows where their money is going, what it is doing for them, and what they can realistically expect in the future. Just like a pilot flying to his destination, we all have to make hundreds, if not thousands, of course corrections to make it where we want to be. Sure, it is going to take work. It’s not a walk in the park. But, it is important to remember, that anything worth doing, is worth doing poorly, until you can do it well.
At Your Personal Accountant, Inc we strive to make the process of taking control of your finances easy and simple. Best of all, we make it affordable! We don’t want to limit our financial services to the already rich and wealthy. We recognize the great need out in the world today for good financial advice, and understanding. Heaven knows our kids are not getting taught money matters in school. The majority of us just follow along in the footsteps of our parents when it comes to financial know-how. Most of us develop similar spending habits, and philosophies, and it goes on from one generation to the next.
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