
Thanksgiving Traditions

Thanksgiving Traditions

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Happy ThanksgivingThanksgiving Day has officially been an
annual tradition in the United States since 1863. President Abraham
Lincoln proclaimed a national day of thanksgiving to be celebrated
on Thursday, November 26 of that year. In 1941, Thanksgiving Day
was officiallly set as the fourth Thursday in November.

Traditions abound on this grateful day. Many families will once
again come together around a bountiful table filled with
scrumptious food to celebrate. The feast will consist of a plump
turkey, dressing, gravy, fresh cranberry sauce, mashed potatoes
swimming in butter, green bean casseroles, and pumpkin pies with
freshly whipped cream. Oh, the smells are delightful, but the
togetherness is even more rewarding. The grandparents, aunts,
uncles and cousins you haven’t seen in quite a while are just as
you remembered them. The stories that are told year after year feel
just like you’re hearing them for the first time. The frantic pace
of our lives comes to a halt on this day as gratitude for family
and friends fills our hearts. Oh, if this could only last the
entire year.

Maybe you and your family have started new traditions. Some of
you will make your way to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade, or
deliver meals or serve in community kitchens to assure those less
fortunate are served a good, hot meal. Or maybe you throw all
customary traditions to the wind with your Thanksgiving

A recent article in Real Simple featured seven authors sharing
their Thanksgiving traditions. From tofu pies to special prayers to
bizarre centerpieces, traditions truly are what you make of them.
Author Allegra Goodman said that while she was growing up in
Honolulu, Thanksgiving was shared out on the lanai surrounded by
the beautiful tropical landscape with a traditional Thanksgiving
meal. However, her memories of Thanksgiving are more about the
mainland American music playing in the background while her family
prepared their dinner. A lot of laughter and dancing went along
with the music and she enjoyed this time so much so she purchased
one of the favored records to play for her family on Thanksgiving
year after year. The smallest details can become the most treasured

Then again, Thanksgiving has become something more than a day of
thanksgiving. Thanksgiving has become the official start of the
bigger holiday season that includes Christmas and New Year’s. More
and more, we are seeing stores open on Thanksgiving to grab the
attention of those shoppers looking for the best holiday sales. No
longer do those shoppers have to wait until the day after
Thanksgiving, commonly known as Black Friday. Grab a long nap, then
head out with some fearless friends and family members and let the
shopping madness begin. For many, this has become a new tradition
celebrated after the more customary Thanksgiving dinner. Whatever
your Thanksgiving tradition has become, rejoice in those special

From our family at 1040.com to yours: HAPPY THANKSGIVING!

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