Did you know that a well maintained network of only 100 customers can lead to millions of dollars in business over time? It is true! Every customer or member of your personal network has the ability to connect you to over 250 people…that would be 25,000 potential connections. If people like you and trust you, you will get their referrals. Customers will refer people to you when your name is the first to come to mind when a friend, relative, or an associate is looking for someone in your field. How are you doing at helping them remember who you are?
Before going in to what you can do to help your customers remember who you are, lets take a look at why your customers decide to leave you in the first place. This will help you understand the importance of helping your customers remember who you are.
Why Do Your Customers Leave You?
1% leave because of death
3% leave because of a move or relocating
5% leave because they decide to buy from a friend
9% leave because they are sold by a competitor
14% leave because of price
and 68% leave because of perceived indifference, or the way they are treated
It may sound obvious, but people are more likely to remember you if you remember them! What are you doing that is setting you a part from your competition? Very few businesses do a good job at staying connected with their customers and showing appreciation for their business. Emails are not good enough. Emails just get deleted. You have to separate yourself in a personal way. A quick phone call. A quick visit. A thank you card.
When you treat your customers right they will have a sense of loyalty. They will want to keep coming back for more.